About US

TEST is an active growing company which is very much focused on customer satisfaction. In this current scenario, there is a great shortage of water almost everywhere. We cannot deny the fact that water is an integral part of life. In order to bridge this scarcity we came up with the idea of TEST with the vision of treating water and wastewater and providing pure water to maximum. The company is led by the water experts and dedicated HR. Project delivery is our top most priority because we always believe- “Before time is on time, on time is late and late is late”. TEST is rich in organizational culture and employees are motivated as per their motivating factor. We are always accountable of what we do. We have stalled many drinking water Taps in public places. Within a short tenure TEST has set a milestone and an illustrious name in the field of Water Industry.

We believe that the way we work can add meaning and value to the world. That ideas inspire positive change. That coloring outside the lines can illuminate fresh perspectives. And that small details yield important realizations. Above all, we believe that collaboration is the best way forward.

We specialize in engineering, architecture and construction services with installation and supply of water and waste water treatment plants. While we are most well-known for adding beauty and structure to communities through high-performance, we provide much more than that. We create an unshakable foundation for progress because our multidisciplinary teams.